What’s “In Our Back Yards”?
“In Our Back Yards” (or ioby) isn’t just the place we have out behind our homes (if we’re super lucky) but its also a place (ioby.org) to post a local environmental project that needs financial or volunteer support.
ioby (in our back yards) connects people to environmental projects in their own neighborhoods so they can support them with donations or volunteer time.
Anyone can post a project &, of course, anyone can donate time & money. So… If you’ve got a great idea for environmental change in your neighborhood, or help with a project, go to ioby’s website or, if you’ve got questions about how it works, call 917-464-4515 or email info@ioby.org to talk to Erin or Brandon about your idea for neighborhood change.
PS – It’s never too early to start planning — and fund raising — for your spring projects.
And, if you’d like some inspiration, read some success stories to find out how ioby’s community can support work just like yours. Or join ioby at their Benefit Event event on November 11th at Brooklyn Brewery, where you can:
- Sip on a Backyard Blazer (ioby’s signature cocktail made with Tuthilltown whiskey)
- Grab a pint of your favorite Brooklyn Brew – right from the tap
- Or a glass of Gotham Project Riesling – right from the keg
- Nosh tasty comestibles created by Dirt Candy & JoeDoe
- Meet the ioby 2010 Heroes In Our Backyards
- And, help build neighborhood support for grassroots environmental projects!
ioby’s Benefit Event
- What: iboy’s First Annual Gala Fundraiser
- Location: Brooklyn Brewery
- Address: 79 North 11th, Brooklyn NY
- Date: Thursday, November 11th, 2010
- Time: 6:30pm til Quittin’ Time