Celebrate Earth Day (Sunday 4/22) at Green in BKLYN

As the eco-friendly shop we are & ‘cuz it’s also the shop’s anniversary (three years this year), we love this day! And in celebration, we’d love you to love it too.
So we’ve scheduled a few things we thought you might like.
This year, along with Myrtle Avenue’s Farm to Neighborhood program, we’re focusing on local food sources and ways to make your own (food, that is). Also a big ol’ sale and a raffle! Details are below but if you have questions, let us know.
- 12-1:30pm: Farm to Neighborhood
- Community Chef Roisin Wisneski from Myrtle Eats Fresh shares recipes from stuff you can grow at home. Think cucumbers, mint & more.
- 1:30-2:00: Clementine Vegan Bakery
- The folks from Clementine will be handing out tasty treats & talking about baking without animal products. Good food & animal free.
- 2-3:30pm: Plovgh CSA
- Plovgh is a community where farms sell their harvest directly to you. Crops you want, when you want them, from farms you know. Talk to them about getting your “share”.
- 4-5:30pm: Brooklyn Beekeeper’s Club
- President Michael Hegedus hosts a local honey tasting & talks about how to start your own beehive as well as the wonder of honey & bees.
- All Day: Pick a Prize…
- Spend $42 or more (for Earth Day’s 42nd year), then pick a prize from our bucket 0′ gifties. It’s like a grab bag & raffle all in one!
- The Day Before (Saturday 4/21): Pangea
- They’re back! The folks from Pangea Organics Skin Care will pass out more samples & answer questions about your face & their line.
- All Month: 42% off Select Treasures
- In Celebration of Earth Day’s 42nd Anniversary & Green in BKLYN’s B-Earth Day (3 years old!) we’ll have all kinds of treasures marked 42% off!
We hope you’ll join us for some (or all) of the fun on Earth Day. We love Earth Day, we love being here & we love you!