Green in BKLYN’s Top Ten Local Products
As an eco-friendly home goods store, all of our products are made with materials that are natural, organic, recycled or sustainable. They save energy & are economical, eco-friendly, healthy alternatives… And, if we’re really lucky, they’re locally owned, developed & created.
The very first products in our shop were those that were from local vendors. The closer to Brooklyn, the better.
For making their home here in our ‘hood & for making such amazing, earth friendly contributions, I’d like to pay homage to our local folk… Those fabulous lines & products at Green in BKLYN that are provided by our neighbors.
1. Priti Polish: From across the River in the East Village, Priti polishes are made without Toluene, DBP & Formaldehyde, which are known carcinogens. Priti products are non-toxic, contain no petroleum & are safe for moms-to-be. We love Time’s Rose, Voodoo Pelargonium & Priti’s amazing Soy Polish Remover, which moisturizes & smells great, too.
2. Seltzer Goods: Based in LIC & serious about humor, Seltzer creates greeting cards & stationery on 100% post-consumer recycled paper with veggie-based inks. Our favorites include both the Super Fly & Owl on a Pogo Stick pins as well as their Pugs & Kisses greeting cards & Pimp My Stroller baby cards. Clever & cute. A perfect combo!
3. Baggu: With their studio in Brooklyn, Baggu is one of our more local locals. Their goal of making “products that fill lots of uses… so you can own less stuff,” is sheer green brilliance. Plus, using one Baggu Bag for a year replaces 300 to 700 disposable bags. Tres green. As well as fuschia, peacock, saffron, caper, chocolate & a host of other fabulous colors.
4. Qassa Soy: Jimi Hendrix, Biggie, Tupac, Janis Joplin & the Dalai Lama all take the G train from Queens to Green in BKLYN. Veronica, their lovely creator, hand delivers votives with their mugs along with Buddah, Ganesh & the Virgen de Guadalupe. They make a colorful & inspirational collection. Om mani rock & rap!
5. Robbie Dawg: Another Brooklyn-based business, Robbie Dawg uses only the finest, freshest organic ingredients for great pet treats. Using free-range poultry, organic meats & dairy products from hormone- & antibiotic-free animals, their biscuits are good enough… well… to eat. At least that’s what our four footed friends woof & mew. We love their Biscuit Tins!
6-8. Go Baby Organics – Farmer Kid Organics – AngelRox: Maybe it’s not fair to lump these three together but all three of them are local, they make the cutest baby onesies & only use organic cotton. They’re like family: We love them all & couldn’t pick just one – not when we first opened & not now. But do check out Go Baby’s 100% Organic onesies, Farmer Kid’s Peace & Organic Kid caps & AngelRox’s Angel Wing onesies.
9. skinnyskinny: Another Brooklyn based biz, skinnyskinny uses certified organic ingredients in all of their products & makes everything in small batches to maintain their “fanatically high standards.”
We love their groovy soap combos like Basil & Mint (originally made as a shave soap, now doing double duty for shaving & sudsing) & Lavender & Black Pepper.
10. Loop: Yet another shout out to Brooklyn. This time for stellar organic sheets & towels in gorgeous sea foam, yummy chocolate & cool white. Durable, long lasting & low impact as well as beautiful, comfortable & soooo luxurious. Especially loving the Birch Accent Pillows & Ivory Woven Blankets right now. Gorgeous & comfy.
Brooklyn, Queens & Manhattan rock it green! And we love them for it!