What’s New?

Posted by Green in BKLYN On February - 27 - 2010 Comments Off on What’s New?

Sitting here in the shop – when I’m not shoveling (again) – enjoying the seasons… every single one of them that blows through our ‘hood.

It seems we’ve been moving back & forth between Winter & hints of Spring amidst many, many falling snowflakes.  And it’s gotten me thinking about the Spring that will, inevitably, come.

The change of season always welcomes new joys, challenges &, at Green in BKLYN, new products & events.  I’ll catch you up on the events in the next few days.  In the meantime, here’s some info on the latest & greatest items at the shop now…sodastream seltzer starter kitGrosgrain Ribbon

  • Reusable Brooklyn Wine Totes
  • Felted Wool Dinosaurs, Easter Eggs & Hearts
  • Clear Plastic Recycling Trash Bags
  • Grosgrain Ribbon (from 100% post-consumer recycled bottles)
  • Wax Paper BagsBrooklyn Wine ToteNelliesFragranceSticks
  • Organic Cotton Brooklyn Onesies (for babies)
  • Insulated Klean Kanteens (12 oz & 16 oz)
  • SodaStream Jet & Penguin Seltzer Makers
  • Nellie’s Scented Dryerball Fragrance Stix
  • More Essential Oils (eucalyptus, neem, lavender & more)Drink Coffee MagnetInsulated Klean Kanteen
  • Books, Books & More BooksCrafts Felted Eggs
  • Even More Sassy Magnets & Snarky Cards
Clear Plastic Recycling Trash Bags

Healthy Changes: One A Week

Posted by Green in BKLYN On February - 18 - 2010 Comments Off on Healthy Changes: One A Week

Rte 52 SignReprinted from LOHAS, the following information by Patty James includes small suggestions for big change…  Fifty-two simple ways to be healthier… One a week?  Sounds doable…  Here’s to our health – salud, y’all!

According to an annual survey, over 100 million people at the beginning of each year vow to make improvements to their life, most dealing with various aspects of their health.  Whether it is to lose those pesky ten pounds, cut out the junk food or quit a nasty habit, four out of every five people who try to make those changes fail to keep at them.

Big changes are often daunting & hard to fold into your everyday life; they are simply not sustainable.  Try a new healthy habit a week.  These are small changes that can make a big impact on not only your health but the environment’s health as well.

1.     Drink 8 glasses of pure water a day.
2.     Get rid of any junk food in your house.  If it’s not there, don’t go get it.
3.     Limit your caffeine intake: 1-2 cups of coffee a day.
4.     Plan your weekly meals on your day off.
5.     Spend 30 minutes twice a week cutting up fresh veggies to have them ready at all times.
6.     Keep seasonal fruit at home & eat it when you’re hungry or when a sweet tooth strikes.
7.     Substitute raw nuts & seeds for processed granola bars.
8.     Don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach; it’s hard on your stomach & burns up B vitamins.
9.     Eat raw vegetables every day.  Raw veggies contain important enzymes that can be lost when they’re cooked.
10.   Purchase as much of your food organic as you can.  Your body will appreciate it as will our planet.
11.   Next time you make cookies or cake, substitute half of the butter with applesauce, pumpkin or prune puree.  Less fat; more nutrients.
12.   Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
13.   Vary your food; if you eat it today, don’t eat it for 4 days.
14.   Different colored food has different nutrients, so eat from the rainbow.  Red peppers, orange carrots, green kale, etc.
15.   Thicken soups with pureed beans.  Delicious & added nutrition.
16.   Don’t drink water from plastic bottles.  Polycarbonate water bottles (labeled #7) contain bisphenol A (BPA), which leaches from the plastic & has been linked to chromosome damage & hormone disruption.
17.   Start your day with a glass of fresh lemon water – 1/2 to 1 juiced lemon in water. Your liver loves it.
18.   De-stress.  Find out what works for you.  Warm baths?  Exercise?  Reading?  Yoga?  Walks in the woods?  Find out what calms & soothes you & practice daily.
19.   Move daily.  Find the movement that moves your body & eases your mind & make it a part of who you are.  If you enjoy it, you will do it.
20.   Eat at a table, cloth napkin on your lap & chew well.  Be thankful.
21.   Next time you want scrambled eggs (or tofu), sauté some veggies first, then add eggs.  Try eating your veggies all day!
22.   Dry brush your skin before you shower in the morning.  It’s good for your lymphatic system & your skin will be so much softer & healthier.
23.   Have at least one day a week without meat.  Meatless Monday perhaps.
24.   Eat more beans!  They’re high in protein, dietary fiber & taste so good.
25.   Use whole grain flour in your baking instead of white flour.  Whole-wheat pastry flour is a fine grind &  much healthier than the white stuff.
26.   Remove white sugar from your diet or at least limit it.  Use maple syrup, honey, agave or stevia instead.
27.   Don’t eat fake food! No artificial anything!
28.   Don’t eat out as much. Cook more.
29.   Exercise your mind!  Learn a new dance, read a good book.  Learn a new language.  Keep your mind moving as well as your body.
30.   Learn to communicate better.  Speak your mind, kindly & be done with it.  Don’t hold grudges.  Forgive yourself & others.
31.   Make your own vinaigrette for your salads.  Olive &/or flax oil, lemon juice or vinegar, a little Dijon mustard, a minced garlic clove & a little salt and pepper.
32.   Use sea salt instead of the highly processed salt you find in many grocery stores.
33.   Reduce salt intake.  Use fresh herbs & lemon juice to boost flavor.
34.   Try to stay off computers & away from anything electronic two hours before bed for a better night’s sleep.
35.   Use plain yogurt instead of sour cream.
36.   Switch to whole wheat, corn or quinoa pasta (there are many selections) instead of pasta that uses refined flour.
37.   Don’t eat or drink any food with trans-fat.  Watch those non-dairy creamers!
38.   Add more leafy greens to your life-kale, chard, spinach, radicchio, etc.  They are wonder foods!  Steam the greens for a couple minutes, drain & set aside.  In a pan sauté some onions, garlic & shitake mushrooms in olive oil for a few minutes.  Add the kale back in, stir & serve.  Yum.
39.   Use less cheese in casseroles that call for cheese.  Instead sprinkle grated cheese on top.
40.   Begin each day with a good stretch & some deep breaths.
41.   Try new ingredients.  Buy a kohlrabi or something you’ve never tried before & go from there.  Keep yourself inspired.
42.   Don’t reward yourself or your family with food.
43.   Try to eat whatever food is in season; it’s more nutritious & tastes better.
44.   Don’t go hungry.  Eat healthy snacks so you don’t overeat later.
45.   Watch what you put on your skin.  Many products are loaded with chemicals that you shouldn’t rub into your skin.
46.   Bake instead of frying your meats & fish.
47.   Increase Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet.  Sources include walnuts, flax seeds & oil & cold water fish such as salmon.  Healthy fats are important to good health.
48.   Increase your intake of legumes: lentil, beans & peas. They are good sources of protein, dietary fiber & blood sugar regulators.  Try split pea or lentil soup for breakfast!  Think outside the box.
49.   Take supplements.  Begin with a good multivitamin & speak with your health practitioner about others that may be needed for your optimum health.
50.   Watch your portion sizes as well as your plate & utensil sizes.  Some forks & spoons look like garden utensils.  Try chopsticks & eat slowly.
51.   Shop in the outside aisles of the grocery store.  Most of the more processed foods are located in the middle isles.
52.   Play!  Everyone needs to have fun!

Eco-friendly Valentine’s Day

Posted by Green in BKLYN On February - 13 - 2010 Comments Off on Eco-friendly Valentine’s Day

Green-HeartWhy make this Valentine’s Day an eco-friendly one?  Show your sweetheart how much they – & the earth – mean to you with these suggestions from Pangea Organics…

1.  Make Your Own Card. Valentine’s Day ranks right up there with Christmas for card giving.  This year, how about trying something new?  Make your own cards using recycled paper!  It’s easy, fun, reduces wasted paper & gives a card an extra special touch!  Visit www.wikihow.com/Make-Paper for directions.

2.  Buy a Plant instead of giving cut flowers. Instead of cut flowers that get thrown away after a week, give the whole plant!  It’s a gift that keep on giving.  For an easier to care for option, ask for plants local to your region.

3.  Massage & Body Oils. A gift to share!  Organic body oils calm the nervous system, improve the circulation and tone the skin with great glide for perfect massages.  Have some fun and enjoy silky, smooth, healthy skin to boot!

4.  Find a restaurant that supports locally grown and/or organics foods. At localharvest.org find a restaurant that supports local, seasonal & organic foods.

5.  Reuse an old picture frame. Turn a great picture of you and your sweetie into an eco-conscience gift.  Use an old frame that’s lying around taking up space.  Clean it up & put some new life into it with a new picture.  Or, make your own frame from recycled materials.  Learn How.

6.  Travel the eco-friendly way.  Going away for a romantic weekend?  Find a hotel that’s eco-friendly at www.environmentallyfriendlyhotels.com/. If you’re traveling somewhere to celebrate the occasion, consider offsetting your carbon emissions at Native Energy.

Amo, Amas, Amat & Allathat

Posted by Green in BKLYN On February - 7 - 2010 Comments Off on Amo, Amas, Amat & Allathat

valentine-love-heart-candySince Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, we thought you might enjoy some thoughts on the age old question of  love & all it entails.

And, since we’ve been sharing sage words on the topic at the shop (on our recycled chalk boards), perhaps you’d enjoy them on-line too.

Romantic, educative, snarky – it’s all about love in the end, isn’t it?

Or, at least, something like love…

  • There is no living with thee, nor without thee. – Marcus Valerius Martial
  • Your heart is my pinata. – Chuck Palahniuk
  • I have been surpised that men could die martyrs to their religion –  I have shuddered at it –  I shudder no more –  I could be martyred for my religion – Love is my religion – And I could die for that – I could die for you. – John Keats
  • Love is the delusion that one man or woman differs from another. – H. L. Mencken
  • If i has to choose between loving you, and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU – dani b.
  • The best & most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.  They must be felt with the heart. – Hellen Keller
  • There is only one happiness in life – to love & be loved. – George Sands
  • When you are in Love you can’t fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. – Dr. Seuss
  • I have found men who didn’t know how to kiss.  I’ve always found time to teach them. – Mae West
  • To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. – Oscar Wilde

Priti Manicures at Green in BKLYN

Posted by Green in BKLYN On February - 5 - 2010 Comments Off on Priti Manicures at Green in BKLYN

Priti PolishSince Green in BKLYN has opened, I’ve become obsessed with the Priti nail polishes that we carry in the shop.  Priti is the name of the company.  Very pretty is how said nail polishes appear on one’s fingers & toes.

Priti nail polishes contain no toluene, formaldahyde or BDPs.  Their extraordinary soy polish remover moisturizes nails instead of drying them, smells great & contains no acetone.  All are safe & completely non-toxic!

So, in celebration of the Spring that is to come & of treating ourselves to beauty & health (combined), we’re having a day of manicures at Green in BKLYN.For $28 (the number of days in the month), you’ll receive:

So how do you get in on this beauty extravagala?  See below…

  • What: Priti Manicure Day @ Green in BKLYN
  • When: Thursday, February 11th  12-4pm
  • Where:  432 Myrtle Avenue (btw. Clinton & Waverly)
  • How:  Call 718-855-4383 for reservations

Look for Hearts… Everywhere

Posted by Green in BKLYN On February - 5 - 2010 Comments Off on Look for Hearts… Everywhere

Look for Hearts MoleskinFrom our first days, Green in BKLYN has featured the works of local artists’ in our “loft gallery.”

This month Tom Kane’s show – “Look For Hearts” – celebrates love & the fact that it’s all around us.  Literally.  In the streets, on walls, carved in stone & falling from the trees.  I’ll let Tom explain:

Look For Hearts originally started on February 10, 2009.

I’d been trying to think of a Valentine’s present for my girlfriend that took a little more thought than buying one of the sticky-sweet gifts you see around that time.

Suddenly I noticed how many hearts were right under my nose.  And not Valentine’s decorations, either.  All over Brooklyn I saw them scrawled on walls & hiding in gardens, carved in stone, in the work of local street artists.

Four days later I had 200 hearts.  I went to my neighborhood bookstore for a small red Moleskine notebook & pasted a postage stamp-size print on each page.

Everyone knows that once you start noticing something, it’s hard to stop.  So I didn’t.  I’ve been taking heart pictures for a whole year now & my photos include all four seasons.

I’m so pleased Elissa gave me the opportunity to show a few of them at Green in BKLYN.  I hope you enjoy them when you visit the store.

LookForHearts.com will be live on February 11th – just in time for Green in BKLYN’s Valentine’s celebration!

And the Moleskine’s still on her mantle…

We’ll be holding a reception at Green in BKLYN on Thursday, February 11th from 5-7pm to celebrate Tom’s show, his website going live &, of course, love…

Join us for a glass of organic wine & to warm your heart.

See Neville Dance Theatre’s Newest Work for FREE

Posted by Green in BKLYN On February - 2 - 2010 Comments Off on See Neville Dance Theatre’s Newest Work for FREE


Our wonderful Clinton Hill/Ft. Greene/Bed-Stuy neighborhood is home to all sorts of creative, talented, kind folks & their amazing businesses.  Below is information about one of our local dance theatres offering FREE tickets to their dance performances this week…

Neville Dance Theatre’s fun and frolicking duet, Heads or Tails, has been selected for presentation as part of Yong Soon Kim’s Cool New York 2010 DANCE Festival held at the John Ryan Theatre in DUMBO Brooklyn.

WHO: Neville Dance Theatre performing Heads or Tails

WHAT: Cool New York 2010 DANCE Festival

  • Presenting the work of emerging young choreographers & world renowned ensembles performing spectacular, innovative works of stunning contemporary dance.
  • All festival tickets are FREE OF CHARGE, although donations are encouraged.
  • Tickets are available at the door only & seating is limited. For tickets, arrive 45-30 minutes early.

WHEN:This Weekend…

  • Friday, February 5th  9-10:30pm “Program H”
  • Sunday, February 7th 6-7:30pm “Program H”

WHERE: White Wave’s John Ryan Theater

  • 25 Jay Street, Brooklyn NY 11201
  • Take the F train to York Street.  Or the A or C trains to High Street.
  • For further information & driving directions, visit www.whitewavedance.com.

Green Gifts 2009

Posted by Green in BKLYN On January - 23 - 2010 Comments Off on Green Gifts 2009

This is an old (one month old) Green Tips blog that a friend asked us to publish on the blog… So here it is.  Just in case you’re missing the holiday season already or missed these great products… Happy holidays & a very merry Chrismahanakwansakah!

With the holidays upon us, many people are stopping in the shop asking for gift suggestions.  And though we know the holidays are more than the sum of the booty you git under the tree, menorah or kinara we thought it would be helpful to share our Gift Suggestions.

When you stop in the shop, we’re happy to help you make a selection or you can grab a handy “Wish List” for the ladies, fellas, tweens or wee ones in your life… We’ve reprinted a few of our favorites below.  Needless to say, you can pick them up at Green in BKLYN.  Oh, & we can gift wrap them, if you’d like!

Ladies:Felted SoapObama ShopperKnitting Needle Bangles

  • Michelle Obama Shopper
  • Vintage Knitting Needle Bangle
  • Recycled Inner Tube Purse
  • Felted Soap
  • Organic Cotton Sheets

Wee Ones:ABC Blockspaper-bag-hatFrog Spud Bib

  • Felted Wool Chicks, Duckies & Bunnies
  • Green Magic Kit
  • Paper Bag Fleece Hat
  • Frog Spud Bib
  • Wooden ABC Blocks with Pull Cart

Tweens:bedol water clock greenDouble Dog Daresolio

  • Water Powered Alarm Clock
  • Perpetual Puzzle Calendar
  • “Double Dog Dare You” Wish Necklace
  • Magic Thai Cartoon Wallet
  • Solar Powered Recharger
  • Tiffin with Carrier & Bamboo Utensils

Fellas:Inner Tube WalletCompost Pail SSsodastream seltzer starter kit

  • SodaStream Seltzer & Soda Maker
  • Recycled Inner Tube Wallet
  • Bamboo Compost Pail
  • Red Stripe Beer Glasses (set of 4)
  • Solar Powered Backpack

Haiti Relief Organizations

Posted by Green in BKLYN On January - 23 - 2010 Comments Off on Haiti Relief Organizations

PrintThe magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck the Haitian capital of Port-Au-Prince on January 12th has left the country in ruins.  Basic services such as clean water, food, shelter & medical care are almost non-existent at this point & hundreds of thousands may be dead.

The devastation in Haiti has inspired incredible acts of generosity & kindness – sorely needed in a country ruined by an extraordinary act of nature.  For folks looking for a way to help, Green in BKLYN is collecting funds & many of Myrtle Avenue’s local businesses are also taking donations.  In addition, below are foundations & charities – all focused on getting the support & resources needed to the people of Haiti.

The resources listed from CNN include the highest-rated charities by CharityNavigator.org, which is an independent, nonprofit organization that evaluates charity groups based on effectiveness and financial stability.  Those sites are vetted by CNN journalists for credibility.

Here in NYC & Brooklyn:

  • Haitian Women’s Program is accepting monetary donations & medical supplies at: 464-66 Bergen Street, Brooklyn NY 11217 (718-953-4100).
  • NYC Council is accepting checks with Haiti Earthquake Relief written in the memo at: Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, One Centre Street 23rd Floor, NYC NY 10007 (212-788-7794 or call 311).  Or go online at NYC.gov.

National & International (per CNN):

  • American Jewish World Service:  The agency supports grass-roots, community-based organizations in remote locations whose needs are not always met by larger organizations.  To donate to its Haiti relief efforts, go to ajws.org/haitiearthquake/ or mail a check to 45 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York NY 10018.  Make checks out to “American Jewish World Service” and in the memo section write “Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund.”  You may also call 1-800-889-7146 or 212-792-2900.  The group will use the funds for immediate needs, such as psychological and social support, health services and education on hygiene and disease prevention, mobilizing volunteers in Haiti to help with rescue and aid distribution and aid to the Haitian Dominican community – who can coordinate with the Dominican government for greater support – in addition to long-term rebuilding plans.
  • American Red Cross:  The American Red Cross’ primary focus during the initial response of an emergency is feeding, sheltering and supplying any other basic needs.  To donate go to RedCross.org, hit the “Donate Now” button and then “International Response Fund”.  You also can text “Haiti” to 90999 to donate $10 to the International Response Fund.  The money will go directly to relief efforts in Haiti.  Or call 1-800-Red-Cross.
  • AmeriCares:  This nonprofit disaster relief organization delivers medicine, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world.  To donate, call 1-800-486-HELP or go to AmeriCares.org.  Donations will go toward medicine and medical supplies and for expenses for providing that medical aid.
  • Care:  This humanitarian organization’s main focus is to fight global poverty, specifically by empowering marginalized women and girls.  To donate to the Haiti relief fund effort, go to Care.org or call 1-800-521-CARE.  Money will go toward food, water, sanitation, shelter and emergency health response.
  • Catholic Relief Services: Catholic Relief Services is an aid agency that works with emergency relief, micro-finance, AIDS/HIV relief, agriculture, water and sanitation, among other projects in countries around the world.  To donate, go to crs.org or call 1-877-HELP-CRS.  You also can text RELIEF to 30644.  You will receive a text message back with instructions on how to donate.  You can send a check to Catholic Relief Services, PO Box 17090, Baltimore MD 21203-7090.  Write “Haiti Earthquake” in the memo area.  The money will go toward immediate needs, which includes water, food, hygiene kits, bedding and basic cooking utensils, among other items.
  • Direct Relief International:  Direct Relief provides medical attention to those in need on an ongoing basis and in emergencies.  Monetary donations go toward medical aid, supplies and equipment in Haiti.  To donate, go to DirectRelief.org or call 805-964-4767 and 800-676-1638.
  • Food For the Poor: The agency delivers food, medical supplies and other goods that are donated to the poor.  To donate to its Haiti relief efforts, go to FoodForThePoor.org or call 1-800-487-1158.  Monetary donations will go toward purchasing food and supplies as well as shipping costs.
  • Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity provides affordable, safe shelter for low-income families and people in need.  Money donated for Haiti relief efforts will go toward recovery and rebuilding.  To donate, go to habitat.org or call 1-800-Habitat.
  • International Medical Corps: This emergency response agency focuses on health in emergency situations.  Monetary donations go toward purchasing medical supplies, medicine and emergency kits and transporting these supplies.  Call 1-800-481-4462 or go to imcworldwide.org.
  • International Relief Teams: The nonprofit organizes volunteer teams to provide medical and non-medical assistance to victims of disasters and poverty.  To donate, go to irteams.org or call 619-284-7979.  Checks can be made out to “International Relief Teams”, 4560 Alvarado Canyon Road, Suite 2G, San Diego CA 92120-4309.  The money will be used for medical supplies, medicine and other relief supplies and to support volunteers heading to Haiti for relief efforts.
  • Love a Child: The Christian-based humanitarian relief agency focuses on giving aid to children and their families in Haiti.  To donate, go to loveachild.com or call 1-800-645-4868.  You can mail a check to PO Box 30744, Tampa FL 33630-3744.  Write “Haiti Earthquake” or “Where most needed” on the memo line of the check.  Monetary donations will be used for food, clothing, shelter, schools and medical needs, among other program services.
  • Medical Teams International: This Christian global health organization sends volunteer medical teams and supplies to those in the midst of disaster or poverty.  Monetary donations will go to supporting the medical teams being sent to Haiti and to the cost of shipping the medical supplies donated by corporations.  Donate by going to MedicalTeams.org and clicking on the “Donate Now” button, call 1-800-959-HEAL (4325) or send a check to Medical Teams International, PO Box 10, Portland OR 97207.
  • Medecins sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders): The humanitarian organization delivers medical care to people caught in crisis.  Donations to its Haiti relief efforts will go toward repairing the obstetrics and trauma hospitals in Haiti that were damaged in the earthquake.  They also will go to transporting an additional 70 doctors and medical supplies to the island in an effort to set up makeshift emergency medical response centers.  To donate, go to DoctorsWithoutBorders.org or call 1-888-392-0392.
  • Mercy Corps: The organization provides humanitarian assistance and economic opportunities in the world’s toughest places, specifically those dealing with poverty, conflict and instability.  To donate, go to MercyCorps.org.  Money will go toward immediate humanitarian needs in Haiti, which may include, food, water and temporary shelter.
  • Operation USA: The international relief agency provides funding for reconstruction and development aid to communities that have experienced disasters, disease and poverty.  For its Haiti relief efforts, the agency plans to use donations for health care materials, water purification supplies and food supplements.  To donate, go to opusa.org, call 1-800-678-7255 or mail a check to Operation USA, 3617 Hayden Avenue, Suite A, Culver City CA 90232.
  • Project Hope: Project Hope responds to crises with medical supplies and medical volunteers and it is committed to long-term sustainable health care.  To donate, go to ProjectHope.org or mail a check to 255 Carter Hall Lane, Millwood VA 22646.  Monetary donations will be used for shipments of medicine and medical supplies and for deployment of volunteer doctors and nurses to Haiti.
  • Project MediShare: The agency’s sole purpose is to improve the health and well-being of Haitian people.  To donate, go to ProjectMediShare.org or you can send a check, cash or in-kind donation (including medicines and medical supplies) to Project MediShare, 8260 NE Second Avenue, Miami FL 33138.  Money will go toward medical care in Haiti and to send medical teams there.
  • Samaritan’s Purse: The nondenominational evangelical Christian organization works through local churches and partners on the ground.  The aid agency provides spiritual and physical aid to the poor, sick and suffering.  To donate, go to SamaritansPurse.org or call 1-800-528-1980.  To give by mail, send donations to Samaritan’s Purse, PO Box 3000, Boone NC 28607-3000.  Money will go toward temporary shelter, water purification, hygiene kits, blankets, medicine and medical teams.
  • Save the Children: The independent organization focuses on children in need in the US and globally through programs for health and nutrition, child protection and education.  To donate, go to SavetheChildren.org, or call 1-800-728-3843 or 203-221-4030.  Donations will go toward purchasing relief items, such as hygiene kits, family kits (pots, pans, food preparation items) and tarps.
  • The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army’s mission is to provide food, shelter, clothing and spiritual comfort during disasters.  To donate money, go to SalvationArmyUSA.org or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY.  Make sure you designate the donation for “Haiti Earthquake.”  Money will go to the Salvation Army in Haiti, which will determine the country’s immediate needs including water, food, medicine and transportation.
  • Shelterbox: The nonprofit delivers boxes of supplies to families of up to 10 people.  The boxes contain a tent and essential equipment to use while individuals are displaced or homeless.  To donate, call 941-907-6036 or go to ShelterBoxUSA.org.
  • U.S. Fund for UNICEF: The national committee for UNICEF is responsible for the organization’s fundraising.  UNICEF uses the money for health care, clean water, nutrition, education and emergency relief.  To donate, go to UnicefUSA.org or 1-800-4-UNICEF.
  • World Concern: The organization lifts people out of poverty, beginning with disaster response and ending when families can live sustainable lives.  To donate to its relief effort, go to WorldConcern.org or call 1-866-530-5433.  You can also mail checks to 19303 Fremont Avenue North, Seattle WA 98133.  Please specify that the check is for “Haiti Disaster Response.”  Money will go toward water supplies, shelter, blankets, distribution of food and long-term needs such as job training, education, loans and home construction, among other projects.
  • World Food Programme: The food assistance agency’s main focus is to fight hunger worldwide.  The organization is working to bring food to Haiti.  To donate, go to wfp.org.
  • World Neighbors: The agency trains and educates communities to solve hunger, poverty and disease.  To donate, go to wn.org, call 405-752-9700 or mail a check to World Neighbors, 4127 NW 122nd Street, Oklahoma City OK, 73120 and write “Haiti Fund” on the memo line.  Monetary donations will be used to support short-term needs (i.e. food, water and supplies) and long-term development programs.
  • World Water Relief: The agency’s main focus is bringing clean water to developing countries.  To donate, go to WorldWaterRelief.org, mail checks to 8343 Roswell Road, Suite 455, Atlanta GA 30350-2810 or call 404-242-1601 or 214-500-9417.  Money will go directly to water filtration systems that will be installed in Haiti.
  • Yele Haiti: This organization, founded by Wyclef Jean, creates projects to improve the quality of education, health, environment and community development in Haiti.  To donate to to its Haiti relief efforts, go to yele.org or text YELE to 501501 to donate $5.

Fab Chick 2010

Posted by Green in BKLYN On January - 21 - 2010 Comments Off on Fab Chick 2010

chickJust got a very lovely mention on StricklyChicks.com as a “Fab Chick 2010.”

Thank you, Grace.  It’s lovely to be included with a stellar crew of women.

And for all you Fab Chicks, check out Grace’s website: StricklyChicks.com – A Guilty Pleasure for Chicks.